Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism

At the end of Matthew’s Gospel Jesus tells the disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, ‘baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’. But what’s so important about baptism? What does it mean?

Through the love and grace of God, and the power of his Spirit, baptism unites us with Christ such that we share his life. It is a new birth, a fresh beginning in the household of faith. However, baptism isn’t an end in itself but the beginning of a wonderful journey. For faith isn’t merely an assent to a set of doctrines but a relationship with the living God.

When do baptisms take place?

Usually baptisms take place during the main Sunday morning service. This is so that you or your child can be welcomed and supported by the other members of the church. However, in certain circumstances other times can be arranged.

What are Godparents? 

Godparents’ responsibilities include care for the children committed to their charge and setting an example by their own godly living.  Godparents must be baptized and have usually been confirmed (the minister can relax the requirement for confirmation).  Any potential Godparent who has not yet been baptized or confirmed and would like to explore this way of growing in faith, is invited to get in touch.  Baptism and confirmation can take place at any age and is excellent preparation for becoming a Godparent.

How many Godparents do I need?

In the Church of England, a child to be baptized should have at least three Godparents, of whom at least two are the same sex as the child and of whom at least one is the opposite sex; but if this is difficult then one Godfather and one Godmother is sufficient.  Parents may be Godparents of their own children provided that the child have at least one other Godparent.  We are happy to talk this important decision with you.

How do I find out more information or arrange for a baptism?

If you would like to discover more about baptism or arrange for you or your child to be baptised, please contact us.