Sunday 3rd November - All Saints Day 9:15am BCP Eucharist, St Botolph’s Hardham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst 10:30am Sung Eucharist, St John’s Bury Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst Monday 4th November - All Souls 12:00pm Sung Eucharist, St Giles Coldwaltham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst Sunday 10th November -…
Thusday 3rd October 9:30am Said Eucharist, St Giles’ Coldwaltham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst Friday 4th October 5:00pm Dorset House Assembly Led by Rev Jack Mulder Sunday 6th October - Harvest Festival 9:13am BCP Eucharist, St Botolph’s Hardham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst 10:30am Sung Eucharist, St John’s Bury Led…
Summary Assets and Liabilities Expenditure Income Report Under Church Representation Rules, a copy of the signed statements can be made available for inspection, on a reasonable request being made, including breakdown by church.
Our weekly pew sheet, and monthly parish magazine "The Link" are now online. You can read them by clicking here.
During the Vacancy, the 9.30am Thursday Eucharist at St Giles' church will be held approximately once a month. All are welcome to this simple said service which includes a short Thought for the Day and Holy Communion. Some of us go on to the coffee morning in Sandham Hall afterwards.…
Church Legacy A lasting gift to your church We, in the Benefice of the Arun Churches, welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference to our churches. Our Legacy Policy is to use gifts to help fund significant…
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