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Services for December 2024

Sunday 1st December

9:15am BCP Eucharist, St Botolph’s Hardham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St John’s Bury Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

Monday 2nd December

2:30pm Dorset House Assembly, St John’s Bury Led by Canon John Bundock

Thursday 5th December

9:30am Dorset House Assembly, St Nicholsas Arundel Led by Canon David Twinley

9:30am Said Eucharist, St Giles’ Coldwaltham Led by Rev Michael Jackson

Sunday 8th December

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St Giles’ Coldwaltham Fr Russell Dewhurst – with Baptism during the service

Sunday 15th December

10:30am Morning Prayer, St John’s Coldwaltham Led by Congregation

Saturday 21st December

1:30pm Wedding, St Giles Coldwaltham Led by Rev Pete Wynter

4:30pm Celebration of Christmas in song & words, St Nicholas Houghton Led by Canon John Bundock

Sunday 22nd December

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St Giles’ Coldwaltham Led by Canon John Bundock

4:00pm Service of 9 Lessons & Carols, St Botolph’s Hardham Led by Canon John Bundock

Tuesday 24th December

11:15pm Midnight Mass, St John’s Bury Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St Giles’ Coldwaltham Led by Canon Bruce Ruddock

Sunday 29th December

10:30am BCP Eucharist, St Botolph’s Hardham Led by Canon John Bundock

Services for November 2024

Sunday 3rd November – All Saints Day

9:15am BCP Eucharist, St Botolph’s Hardham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St John’s Bury Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

Monday 4th November – All Souls

12:00pm Sung Eucharist, St Giles Coldwaltham Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Sunday

10:50am Sung Eucharist, St Giles Coldwaltham Led by Rev Jack Mulder

Monday 11th November

10:50am Act of Remembrance at St John’s with schools Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

Sunday 17th November

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St John’s Bury Led by Fr Russell Dewhurst

Sunday 24th November

10:30am Sung Eucharist, St Giles Coldwaltham Led by Canon Bruce Ruddock

Thursday Eucharist at St Giles’, Coldwaltham

During the Vacancy, the 9.30am Thursday Eucharist at St Giles’ church will be held approximately once a month. All are welcome to this simple said service which includes a short Thought for the Day and Holy Communion. Some of us go on to the coffee morning in Sandham Hall afterwards.

Dates for the coming year (all Thursdays at 9.30am):

8 June Corpus Christi

20 July

17 August

21 September St Matthew

5 October

30 November St Andrew

All the services taking place each month in the parish are posted on our Latest News page.

Our Legacy Policy

Church Legacy
A lasting gift to your church

We, in the Benefice of the Arun Churches, welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference to our churches. Our Legacy Policy is to use gifts to help fund significant development projects, whether building, equipment or staff.

Since needs change over the years, we encourage you to leave a gift in your will for the general purposes of the Benefice or a specific church, rather than for a restricted purpose. We will discuss possible uses of your gift with your executors when the times comes, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the church, and the Benefice’s priorities at the time.

You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry, and not to cover normal day to day running costs.

We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way the donor and/or his/her executors feel most appropriate, within the confines of the Listed Buildings Regulations. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous, if the donor prefers.

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about the sorts of purposes your gift might fund, and how/if you would like your gift to be acknowledged, please contact the Vicar, Fr Peter Mallinson, on 01798 839057 or email him at

If you would like to make a gift to one of our churches in memory of a loved one, please come and discuss this too. This can be a wonderful and appropriate way to remember someone you have loved and see no more.

For further information please visit